Packets Down Range #12: Arista, Nanog, Frontier
2023 is here and in full swing. One of the biggest things to remember years ago was to remember to write the new year when you dated checks. How times have changed. Those few checks that are written are automated these days. I know there are checkwriters out there, but that practice is slowly dwindling.
If you find this newsletter helpful and informative please consider becoming a Patreon for just $3 a month. My goal is to have 300 new Patreons by the end of February. I also have Paypal if you would like to send a donation. If you have news about your company or things you may find relevant Submit any news here.
Data Center & Cloud News
•Top 10 Data Center Stories of 2022 according to Datacenterfrontier.com
Interconnection News
•Everstream has an updated map of its network.
•Nanog 87 is coming to Atlanta.

ISP News
•England has Mandated all new homes must have gigabit Internet Available. Do you think this is overreach or on target?
•AT&T goes into cost-cutting mode. Pascal Desroches, CFO at AT&T, laid out the company’s financial strategy very clearly at yesterday’s Citi 2023 Communications, Media & Entertainment Conference. He said the playbook “is very boring but very important: drive earnings growth, pay an attractive dividend and strengthen our balance sheet.”
•Frontier sets record in Q4 2022. Frontier (NASDAQ: FYBR) reported that it added 75,000 fiber broadband customers in the fourth quarter of 2022, a new record for the company.
•Wisper Internet Celebrates 20 years.
•The FCC extends comments on the new broadband labels. After adopting rules for broadband labels late last year, the FCC is now extending the comment window on its further notice of proposed rulemaking for the labels until March 16, 2023.
Podcasts & Blogs
•Preseem S1 Episode 4 is now out.
•Network Break 412 from PacketPushers
Other Industry News
•We have mentioned WIFI7 in the past. EnGenius is talking more about its strategy.
•Arista has posted some validated configurations for their products. More manufacturers should do this in a similar manner.
•411 is being sunsetted for many. This is not surprising. Texting and data have surpassed phone calls for gaining information.
•Google Stadia is set to shut down on January 18th.
•FastnetMon has an article on BGP communities
A cool video on installing ducts and vaults.

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