Packets Down Range #22:Databank, Bluebird, war over undersea cables
Data Center News
•Databank completes a 24,000-square-foot expansion in SNA, which is in Irvine, California
•More Data Centers coming to Ashburn. Both H5 and Edgecore announce new builds.
Backbone and Fiber news
•Cogent Earnings call on May 4th.
•Bluebird Networks announces John Nolan as the new Chief Development Officer.
•War over undersea cables. Subsea cables, which carry the world’s data, are now central to the U.S.-China tech war. Washington, fearful of Beijing’s spies, has thwarted Chinese projects abroad and choked Big Tech’s cable routes to Hong Kong, Reuters has learned.

ISP News
•The average rural Internet bill has risen to $71
•Surf Internet begins expansion to Oglesby, Illinois.
Tech Topics
•Want an in-depth read on BGP and the Yang model? Check out this working draft. This YANG module will provide components for various IETF BGP-related YANG technologies, including the BGP portion of IETF’s VPN technologies.
•Microsoft fixed a bug that was hurting Firefox users.

•Glenn Kelly puts us onto Netboot. netboot.xyz enables you to boot into many types of operating systems using lightweight tooling to get you up and running as soon as possible.
Podcasts & Events
•Indiana Regional Network Operators Meeting May 18th
Photo of the Week

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