Packets Down Range #7:Thanksgiving edition
Welcome to issue #7 of Packets Down Range. Turkey Day is almost upon us here in the States. As a result, I am pushing this out a day early. Keep those news reports coming. I will be having a Patreon Edition on Black Friday, mainly focusing on some hand-picked deals related to networking. I also have some items listed on Facebook WISP equipment with free shipping for Patreon supporters.
Data Center News
•How do Data Centers work? When touring part of Flexential’s datacenter campus, called Hillsboro 3, one gets a sense of just how much power, equipment, money and personnel goes into operating Oregon’s growing tech sector.
•Chicago data center market is booming. I hate paywalls, but you can preview the article.
Interconnection & Peering
•INEX reaches a new traffic peak thanks to FIFA World Cup
•Some cool photos on this page relating to fiber and infrastructure
•Lumen to sell off assets in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.
ISP News
•T-Mobile talks FWA as an overlay
•Vistabeam to expand to Chappel, Nebraska.
•As mentioned in a previous edition, Broadband labels are now out.
Podcasts & Events
•The Network Berg has a video on Ansible for Network Engineers
•Preseem Podcast Episode 3 is out. Anton Kapela and Dave Clelland join us as our first guests to talk about Tarana. They discuss with RF experts theoretical minimums, whether it’s a “Mimosa B11”, and the magic behind it.
•The Brothers Wisp #174. Interview with David Zumwalt CEO of WISPA
Other Industry News
•Is fiber going to price itself out of the running? Supply Chain issues and rising labor costs could put a damper on fiber deployments
•News about the new FCC maps.
Article 1
Broadband Map Home
•cnMaestro 3.2.0 is out Release notes are available here…
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