PHP 7.3 and 7.4 Woes and solution
So this weekend I have been doing some LibreNMS installs and have been having to change the default CentOS PHP version. If it is Centos7 PHP 7.3 is recommend and if it’s Centos 8 then PHP 7.4 is recommended. I have some pretty good tutorials on installing Librenms that I follow. They all mention the remi repository. However, on a few of these networks the remi repository has been unreachable. So I just can’t cut and paste from the tuorials I use.
So what is a person to do? Lots of mirrors are available at https://rpms.remirepo.net/. All you have to do is some substitution.
Done and Done. Hope this helps. You should be using mirrors anyway when it comes to remi. However, most tutorials reference remi because it’s easy.
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