Data Center physical security

Physical security in a data center is critical as it serves as the first line of defense against unauthorized access, vandalism, theft, and environmental threats. Here’s a deeper dive into the various layers and strategies involved in ensuring comprehensive physical …

Republish: Tales from the Data Center

Originally Published in 2015So, I have a very heartwarming story today related to the WISP industry. So this started back in March. A client was having issues with a circuit. The transport provider had so many failures in troubleshooting the …

What is a Data Center Interconnect

As you become more familiar with Cisco Data Center terminology, you will encounter the term DCI. A DCI is a Data Center Interconnect. DCIs typically fall into three categories. Dark Fiber (CWDM/DWDM)MPLS Layer 2 VPN (VPWS/VPLS)MPLS Layer 3 VPN A …