What is the Global BGP Routing Table?
The Global BGP Routing Table is a comprehensive database that contains all the IP address prefixes (routes), which are advertised by ASNs, and the associated paths to reach them across the internet.
Understanding Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) in BGP
A critical component of BGP’s functionality is the Autonomous System Number (ASN). But what exactly is an ASN, and why is it so important?
How Route Servers Work on an Internet Exchange Point (IXP)
In the world of Internet connectivity, Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) play a crucial role in facilitating efficient traffic exchange between networks. Within this ecosystem, route servers act as intermediaries to streamline the process of establishing connections, known as peering, between …
Navigating the Complexity of Full BGP Routes: A Deep Dive into Border Gateway Protocol
In networking and internet connectivity, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) stands out as a crucial protocol responsible for routing data packets across the vast expanse of the internet. At the heart of BGP lies the concept of routing tables, and …
Demystifying Commonly Misused IT Terms
In the fast-paced realm of technology, jargon, and buzzwords often take center stage. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of innovation, some terms are misused or misunderstood, leading to confusion rather than clarity. Let’s untangle a few of these commonly misused IT …
Understanding BGP Attribute Local Preference
Local Preference is a BGP attribute that is pivotal in influencing route selection within an autonomous system (AS). Each BGP router within an AS assigns a Local Preference value to incoming BGP routes. This value indicates the preference for routes …
The Benefits of Running Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) in Your Network
1. Dynamic Routing and Scalability BGP’s ability to handle large and diverse networks makes it an ideal choice for scaling operations. It dynamically learns and adapts to changes in network topology, enabling efficient routing decisions in complex and evolving environments. …
iBGP vs eBGP: Understanding the Differences
In the intricate world of routing protocols, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) stands as a pillar, facilitating the exchange of routing information between different networks on the internet. Within BGP, two fundamental variations exist: Internal BGP (iBGP) and External BGP …
Understanding the BGP No-Export Attribute
The “no-export” attribute in BGP is a configuration option applied to specific routes to restrict their propagation beyond an autonomous system’s (AS) boundaries. In the realm of BGP, ASes are individual networks or a collection of IP prefixes under a …
Understanding the BGP Origin Code Attribute
Understanding the BGP Origin Code Attribute The BGP Origin Code is a mandatory attribute attached to BGP routes, indicating the origin of a particular route in the BGP table. It specifies how a route was introduced into BGP and provides …