Some random IpV6 tools Ping tool Subnet Calculator
Top five WISP Amazon Finds
If you are a Wireless Internet Service provider or even a fiber installer you are always needing that one thing. I have put together this list for installers and field techs to help. These are my top fixe items you …
10 Gig thunderbolt adaptor for troubleshooting
*correction to the original post* Being a mac user, I forget not everyone has thunderbolt ports. Many of the folks I talk to are deploying more and more 10Gig switches and links. ISP and network techs are used to plug …
A tool to find out if BGP is lying to you
APNIC has a bog article on detecting “bgp lies”. you ever wonder whether you can really trust other networks, such as your provider(s) and peers? More precisely, wouldn’t you like to be able to tell if the traffic you send always …
Dual monitors.sure. five monitors..can you keep track
With all of the people working from home with the Covid-19 restrictions, I see the topic of multiple monitors come up quite often on Facebook discussions. If you are not a fan of having more than one monitor you need …
Helpful web-sites for ISPs Part 1
Over the years a good network admin collects websites which are useful in their job. I have put together a partial list
tool of the Week: Primus folding cable caddy
This Cable Caddy measures 20″ by 16″ and is the ideal installers’ tool of choice for bulk cable distribution.
Tower Climb items you never have enough of
If you are like me you get to a tower site and don’t have enough Carabiners, or something You make a mental note to order more, but after a long day you forget
Mikrotik advanced tools
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