Just watching things scroll by as they upgrade
Doing an Ubuntu on a Microsoft Cache for Fiber Data Internet Exchange (FD-IX). Nothing exciting, just following directions by people smarter than myself.
A new phone is a pain..but not for the reason you think
Like most geeks, I tend to upgrade my phone regularly. My last phone last me about 30 months. this phone upgrade was a pain. It’s not anyone’s fault except for my own. Here is why With smartphones, I have set …
VMware Fusion and MacOS Big Sur
While doing some work tonight I received an update notification from VMware Fusion, which I use to run Windows 10 inside Mac OS. • Fusion 11 can not run on macOS 11 Big Sur because it depends on Kernel Extensions …
UBNT Unifi upgrade issues
Recently my best friend installed some unifi access points in his home. We had ordered a 60W unifi switch, a couple of AP-LR, and a couple of AC-Lites. These were ordered and sat for several months until we could get …
PHPIPAM upgrade 1.3.2 to 1.4 error and fix
Tonight I was upgrading PHPIPAM from version 1.3.2 to version 1.4 and ran into an issue.
You can still upgrade to windows 10 for Free
This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …
RouterOS 7.0Beta4 released on Dec 6 2019
!) included all features and fixes from 6.46 version; !) implemented completely new User Manager package; *) dhcpv4-server – added “option-set” parameter for each “vendor-class-id”; *) dhcpv4-server – added “radius-password’ parameter under “config” menu; *) dhcpv6-client – allow reading passed …
Network wide Mikrotik RouterOS updates with Unimus
This article will focus on MikroTik – we will show you how you can do a network wide mass upgrade of RouterOS using Unimus
Interesting topic on discontinued gear
So an interesting topic came up on Facebook tonight that got me to thinking. As WISPs grow and evolve, what are your thoughts on hoarding gear you have been…
My 3rd WordPress speedup tip
Plugins can be a huge help to you, but which ones? With all the different ones out there it is hard to decide which one are not total junk