Business plan for starting a WISP
The following is an excerpt from a Master’s Thesis business plan. I have the full plan for sale for $150.
Some Old school wireless photos
Most of these photos are 2008 and before.
Getting the most out of your tower climbs
I have wanted to write this article for a while. When the topic is fresh in my mind, I am usually too tired from a day of climbing. By the time things get around, the lessons learned have escaped me. …
WISP tower random photos
I was going through some older hard drives and came across some of these photos of Baicells, Cambium and other gear on towers. These were installed for Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs). See below for those who don’t know what …
Top five WISP Amazon Finds
If you are a Wireless Internet Service provider or even a fiber installer you are always needing that one thing. I have put together this list for installers and field techs to help. These are my top fixe items you …
The Unsung Hero: The Importance of a Good Home Router
Over the years, one thing in the Internet Service Provider (ISP) space that has become apparent is a good home or office router can make a huge difference in your Internet experience. I would say ninety-plus percent of customer issues …
Why network admins are weird Part 1
The next time you think your friend, significant other, or neighbor is weird, they might be a network admin. Here are some reasons to have caused this.
PDR #23: Patreon Edition. Python, BGP, ARIN51
This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …
Packets Down Range #22:Databank, Bluebird, war over undersea cables
Data Center News •Databank completes a 24,000-square-foot expansion in SNA, which is in Irvine, California •More Data Centers coming to Ashburn. Both H5 and Edgecore announce new builds. Backbone and Fiber news •Cogent Earnings call on May 4th. •Bluebird Networks …
Packets Down Range #21: CCIEs make mistakes, fiber expansions, Ham Radio code
The days are getting longer here in Indiana. This has meant the start of my long-awaited pole barn project. This has meant some long days, with my body being sore at the end of it. What do you geeks/nerds/type-a folks …