400 Gigabit randomness

What is the Form Factor for 400G optics?

• The first is OSFP  OSFP stands for “Octal Small Form-factor Pluggable”. The electrical interface of an OSFP connector consists of 8 electrical lanes, running at 50Gb/s each, for a total of 400Gb/s. I can only imagine how this will be confused with OSPF.

• Second is QSFP-DD stands for “Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable (QSFP) – Double Density (DD)”. The electrical interface of a QSFP-DD connector also has 8 electrical lanes, running at 50Gb/s each, for a total bandwidth of 400Gb/s. The QSFP-DD form factor is similar to the QSFP form factor.

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