Clarification on subscriptions
I probably wasn’t a little clear on my subscriptions. Let me help.
1.I have installed a new subscription method for just the Packets Down Range Newsletter. You can view the details and signup at
Once you have done that, come back to this e-mail and click “unsubscribe” at the bottom if you don’t wish to receive all the updates from the blog. I am getting in the habit of posting 1-2 a day, so it may get tiresome or you may not be interested in anything but the PDR newsletter.
2. If you wish to receive a weekly digest of the posts on this blog go here
You will receive one e-mail a week with a summary of the blog posts for that week.
3.If you want to continue to receive every blog post instantly to your e-mail continue to do nothing. You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of the email
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