Packets Down Range #21: CCIEs make mistakes, fiber expansions, Ham Radio code
The days are getting longer here in Indiana. This has meant the start of my long-awaited pole barn project. This has meant some long days, with my body being sore at the end of it. What do you geeks/nerds/type-a folks do to further your goals along when you are not working?
Data Center News
•H5 published their Quarterly update.
Backbone and Fiber news
•DC Blox is building a dark fiber route between Myrtle Beach to Georgia.
•Ziply Fiber gives us a tour of a fiber vault

ISP News
•Kosciusko Connect out of Warsaw Indiana now has fiber available to all of its members.
•$120 Million up for grabs in BOOT Rural Broadband funding in the State of Texas.
•What does BEAD mean for low-income communities?
•BerryComm connects first three customers to Fiber 55 Internet Ring
•Should edge providers add to USF as well?
Tech Topics
•Code Execution over Ham Radio
•Daryll Swer has released his IPV6 Architecture and Subnetting Guide for Network Engineers and Operators.

•Grafana and Loki Configuration Webinar
•Even CCIEs break things and get fired.
•Nine different servers you can host on a raspberry pi.
•Intel’s hidden in-chip Operating System.
•Defending against WPA2 attacks.
•Are VPNs and Incognito mode no longer good enough? This article may change how you think about such things.
Podcasts & Events
•Preseem Podcast S1E6 is out.
•Data Center World May 8-11, 2023
•International Telecoms week 2023
•ABQNOG – May 4, 2023
Photo of the Week

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