Packets Down Range #31: Hedge Podcast, Microsoft, Cisco, Arista.

Packets Down Range #31: Hedge Podcast, Microsoft, Cisco, Arista.

It’s been a busy almost spring so far. One of the highlights of the past few months was being invited to do a Hedge Podcast with Russ White and Tom Ammon. It was a great time. We talked about the unpopular opinion of accepting prefixes smaller than /24. On to other news…

Data Center News

•Microsoft purchases 300 acres in Minnestoa.

•Hyperscale data centers are on the rise. Data centers account for around 2% of total U.S. electricity use. Hyperscales can use as much power as 80,000 households. Of the nearly 8,000 data centers around the world, 900 are hyperscale. Those account for 37% of capacity.

ISP News

•Cisco combines OLT onto a pluggable module.

Fixed Wireless is taking off across the globe.

•BlueBird completes Mississippi river crossing. Bluebird announces the completion of a new fiber optic river crossing 100 feet below the Mississippi River.

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Tech Topics

Arista tops Cisco in Q4.

Broadband Funding Optimization Tool.

DNS in 2024. The 2024 DNS and Internet Naming Research Directions (DINR) virtual workshop will be a forum to discuss the research landscape around DNS and Internet naming – what are the important problems we need to tackle and the tools you need to get there?


Upcoming Events
MidWest Peering Summit. June 13-14, 2024

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