Cambium ePMP 3000 features
An older post but still relative. Figured I would re-post this.
Cambium and CTIconnecxt put on a webinar about ePMP 3000 today. This should be available online at one point. Look for it in the Cambium forums.
Some notes I took
-ePMP 3000 offers Simultaneous MIMO downlink transmission
-You will be able to use the beamsteering antenna with the 3000. Cambium is working on the software to make this work.
-3000 has a dedicated receiver chip. This allows you to run the spectrum analyzer in realtime. Also has “edetect on steroids” which shows more information than the current edetect.
-Sector is a 4X4 90 degree sector with beamforming. Achieves and extra 3db in the downlink.
Beamforming vs Beamsteering
Beamsteering is for dealing with interference.
Beamforming is for downlink gain.
-Cambium mentioned the concept of Azimuth Delta. This is groups of SMs in terms of how the AP talks to groups. The gave an example on a google earth plot. In a nutshell, when you have gain in one direction it takes advantage of the null in different directions. More to this, but that is for another post.
-“Sounding” -Sends a special packet and gets feedback from the subscriber. Determines how the phase shift works and other things.
-Elevated clients beta is coming to make the elevated clients work with the 3000.
I hope distributors work out a smaller cold shrink for the sma connectors on the ePMP Ap radios. Weatherproofing these properly will be an issue due to the close proximity of the connectors. I have not seen the connectors on a sector to see how those will be. This is where folks could take a page from the coldshring that comes with the Baicells gear or the cables with the integrated boot some distributors sell.
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