ePMP eDetect
One of the biggest tasks on a wireless AP is finding clean channels. Once you find those clean channels, making sure you stay on a clean channel is the next task. ePMP has a feature under tools called eDetect. One of the things this can do is give you an idea of how many devices are on a given frequency.
The ePMP AP you see above is on a 20mhz channel, which is why many home routers and other devices are showing up. If this was on a cleaner frequency it would look like the following.
While eDetect is not a replacement for spectrum analysis, it can give you a pretty good idea of what’s using a particular frequency. Please note, you see the most things on 20MHZ channels because that is what most home routers are set to. If you would like to read up on eDetect in more detail go here: https://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/ePMP-Configuration-Management/ePMP-Tools-eDetect-Explained/td-p/42997
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