The new Cisco 9600 The Catalyst 9600 enters the market as the last piece of the CAT9K series puzzle. It compliments the rest of the line up, the CAT 9200, 9300, 9400, and 9500 series switches. And this is ultimately an upgrade to …

Zip Ties or no Zip Ties in the data center

Fluke networks has fired another volley in the “zip ties vs. velcro” for cables front.  While this article does not address velcro vs Zip ties directly, it does bring up some points about using zip ties.

Data Center Tiers

Tier 1 = Non-redundant capacity components. things such as power have single feeds. 99.671% Uptime no redundancy 28.8 Hours of downtime per year. Tier 2 = Tier 1 + Redundant capacity components. 99.749% Uptime Partial redundancy in power and cooling Experience …