Using HomeBrew to install Mikrotik Winbox for m2 Mac

Using HomeBrew to install Mikrotik Winbox for m2 Mac

I recently upgraded to an Apple Macbook m2 from my intel based Mac. One thing I use regularly is Winbox. In order to install Winbox on an Apple Silicon Mac you simply need to follow these steps.

  1. Install homebrew.
  2. run this command brew install --cask nrlquaker-winbox
  3. If it says the app is from an unidentified developer do this.
    -In the Finder  on your Mac, l navigate to Applications and scroll down to Winbox-mac.
    -Control-click the Winbox app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
    -Click Open. Winbox is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it just as you can any registered app.
  4. You may be prompted to allow Winbox access to your disk or files. This is ok.

The window resizing sometimes does not work. This might be due to dual monitors. I would like to know if you have window re-sizing issues.

BTW: I have some other articles on homebrew.

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