PDR #28: Nextlink, Chicago data center expansion, Wisper
In this 28th Issue of Packets Down Range
Nextlink acquires Indiana-based Echo wireless
Cisco Acquires Sam Knows
T-mobile gobbling up spectrum
and more…
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Data Center News
• The Chicago Data Center marker is growing even more.
•Google to expand to Kansas City.
•More news out of the Chicagoland area. Meta plans a new Data Center for Rosemount.
ISP News
•T-Mobile plans to buy 600MHz from Comcast. T-Mobile is buying airwaves from Comcast in a deal valued at up to $3.3 billion. T-Mobile is also working with Charter for Spectrum In the 42GHz band.
•WISPER reacquires the interest it sold to Cable One in 2020.
•Broadband equipment spending fell 3% in Q2 2023.
•Great Plains Communications expands in Southern Indiana.
•Nextlink acquires Echo Wireless.
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Tech Topics
•Lightwave Fabrics: At-Scale Optical Circuit Switching for Datacenter and Machine Learning Systems. We describe our experience developing what we believe to be the world’s first large-scale production deployments of lightwave fabrics used for both datacenter networking and machine-learning (ML) applications.
•IPV6 adoption has fallen for some networks, according to this report.

Podcasts & Events
•The Imposter Syndrome Network Podcast
•WISPAPALOOZA October 9-12, 2023
Bufferbloat & Lag – Why Framing Matters
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