Mikrotik LTE stats using AT&T
Mikrotik RBSXTR running RouterOS 6.46.6 on an AT&T sim card. Upload stats were in the 10-15 meg range.
Some Mikrotik SXT photos and first thoughts.
I have been wanting to do some photos and thoughts on the Mikrotik SXTR-LTEs and other Mikrotik LTE products. I recently fired one up using dual sims. One is from Tmobile and one is from At&T. Verizon is pretty nonexistent …
AT&T 5G”e” Indianapolis
iPhone X while sitting in traffic on the west side of Indy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.macrumors.com/2019/04/22/sprint-att-5ge-lawsuit-settled/amp/
ATT wireless Call Protect app
If you are an ATT wireless customer and are tired of annoying calls check out the “Call protect app”. https://www.att.com/features/security-apps.html?fbclid=IwAR0Ygsslxas-ADDGBjmoEc2mgibnAKLCIGE8AFWMmUS_JOzU93nN6wnZElM