J2 briefing: Zayo acquisition, more wifi6, NTIA changes

Hello, welcome to Monday May 13th 2019, my name is Justin and this is the ISP news you need to know. Zayo to be Acquired https://investors.zayo.com/news-and-events/press-releases/press-release-details/2019/Zayo-Announces-Definitive-Agreement-to-be-Acquired-by-Digital-Colony-and-EQT/default.aspx Zayo to be acquired by Digital Colony Partners and EQT Infrastructure fund for $14.3 …

New Google Play home for j2podcasts

For all Android users subscribe to the j2 podcast below https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=googleplaymusic&apn=com.google.android.music&link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Ilwxpkvktotkmbbixnfq6oinqo4?t%3Dj2_networks_podcast%26pcampaignid%3DMKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16

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