Podcast: Cameron Kilton from Alpha and I talk about LTE

Cameron Kilton from Alpha Wireless and i sit down at the 2019 Indiana ISP meeting and talk about LTE and Wireless operators.  Pardon the rough beginning. the room we were in had a flickering light that took me by surprise …

Ubiquiti releases EdgeMAX EdgeSwitch software 1.8.2

From their announcement A new software release for EdgeSwitch (all current models) is available here: EdgeSwitch 1G switch models: ES-48-750W, ES-48-500W, ES-24-500W, ES-24-250W, ES-48-Lite, ES-24-Lite, ES-16-150W, ES-12F,ES-8-150W, EP-S16. Normal version: https://dl.ubnt.com/firmwares/edgemax/EdgeSwitch/v1.8.2/ES-eswh.v1.8.2.5192445.stk (SHA1: b1f66416276ef7de9abd5d2c50fa79b75d1bfe49) (GPL archive) LITE version: https://dl.ubnt.com/firmwares/edgemax/EdgeSwitch/v1.8.2/ES-eswh.v1.8.2-lite.5192445.stk (SHA1: 47c11f3ce06d77e450a480877e06d2e72a6c6192) Mib files: https://dl.ubnt.com/firmwares/edgemax/EdgeSwitch/v1.8.2/ES-eswh.v1.8.2.5192445-mibs.tar.gz (SHA1: 85b3acb15923b94f25bc965a98f72d24a4dac1f1) EdgeSwitch 10G switch model: ES-16-XG Normal …

ePMP eDetect

One of the biggest tasks on a wireless AP is finding clean channels.  Once you find those clean channels, making sure you stay on a clean channel is the next task. ePMP has a feature under tools called eDetect. One …

The new Cisco 9600

https://blog.noblinkyblinky.com/2019/04/29/introducing-the-catalyst-9600/ The Catalyst 9600 enters the market as the last piece of the CAT9K series puzzle. It compliments the rest of the line up, the CAT 9200, 9300, 9400, and 9500 series switches. And this is ultimately an upgrade to …