Cloudflare Internet speedtest
Check your internet speed with Cloudflare’s very own internet speed test.
Speed validation for compliance on ISP networks
Does your ISP network need a way to validate customer speeds? RDOF compliance? State compliance for broadband speeds and latency? as many of you know there are problems with using public speedtest servers to validate customer speeds. J2networks, in conjunction …
New Speed Test server for Patreons
This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …
Mikrotik mAP for the WISP installer
One of the problems installers run into on a few networks we manage is having the right tools to properly test a new install
10 Gig SpeedTest server Intel Nuc
Recently a client testing their 5G solution came to me asking for a solution to testing speed from their CBRS/5G/802.11ax clients
Ubiquiti launches Speedtest Server/network
Ubiquiti launches the Ubiquiti Speedtest, the first public test network integrated with enterprise network equipment.
The problem with speedtests
Imagine this scenario. Outside your house, the most awesome superhighway has been built. It has a speed limit of 120 Mile Per Hour. You calculate at those speeds you can get to and from work 20 minutes earlier. Life is …
Self-Hosted speedtest
This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …
Self-hosted speed test
Our friend willie has a new video on a self-hosted speedtest server.