Bind 9.4 helpful notes

So recently I was spinning up some new authoritative names servers. I have stuck with bind for authoritative for years because the format of the files and queries is THE standard for DNS zones. IMHO, there are some better resolvers …

Server Tip from a non-server guy

This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …

9 Life Hacks for all of us

A little bit of deviation from techie stuff. For those of you looking to make life better here are some “hacks” I totally agree with. What are you life hacks? What are soem things you do which are related to …

Some WordPress tips

If you are wanting to force non SSL to SSL. Add the following to your site’s .htaccess file Set proper file permissions Script from # # This script configures WordPress file permissions based on recommendations # from # …

Justin’s I.T. maintenance tip #7

When you are scheduling late maintenance schedule it anytime after 12:01AM so there is no confusion on the day. It’s easier to clarify 12:01AM on Friday the 10th than midnight on Friday. Folks tend to get confused when you say …