Top Five Computer Tips to Get More Done in Less Time
Top Five Computer Tips to Get More Done in Less Time Do you wish you could be more productive at your computer? There’s good news! You can do some things that will allow you to get more done in less …
Choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Having reliable and fast internet access is essential for the success of any business in today’s digital age. Whether you’re using the internet for email, cloud computing, or online transactions, having a high-quality internet connection is crucial for productivity and …
New Year’s resolutions for network engineers
Why not start out the new year with some changes? Here is my list of things I see which could help. You can easily do the following twelve things in the next twelve months.
ISP consultants.How to hire and engage Part 1
I have been a consultant for the Internet Service Provider (ISP) space for the better part of my working life. I have dealt with the technical side of the field and some of the business and back end. I have …
WISPAPLOOZA 2021 – Network Monitoring Talk
This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …
xISP related Facebook groups for WISPs and other ISPs
The following is a list of some of the more popular Facebook groups for Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs), Fiber Service Providers (FISPs), and other related groups. This list is not complete by any means. If you find this list …
Bind 9.4 helpful notes
So recently I was spinning up some new authoritative names servers. I have stuck with bind for authoritative for years because the format of the files and queries is THE standard for DNS zones. IMHO, there are some better resolvers …
Server Tip from a non-server guy
This content is for Patreon subscribers of the j2 blog. Please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber for as little as $1 a month. This helps to provide higher quality content, more podcasts, and other goodies on this blog.To view this …
Denial of Service and the xISP Part 1
Most service providers have been the victim of a Denial of Service (DoS) attack at one point or another. Sometimes you may not realize you are under an attack. A few months ago, I posted a simple screenshot at of what …
Mounting old file system CDs on MacOS Catalina
Recently I had an issue with mounting older CD-Roms of backup files and such on MacOSX Catalina. Apparently, Apple dropped support for HFS volumes. In order to fix this it is pretty easy. You will need HomeBrew. Being a network …